Blog Your Way To Antarctica

September 25, 2009

There’s something going at the minute called Blog Your Way To Antarctica. It’s an online competition where the person who receives the most votes gets to go to Actual Antarctica and blog about it.
I personally haven’t entered because my blogs are too sporadic and I don’t do well in the cold. But, a lovely YouTuber, Kristina Horner, has. She is an excellent blogger, which you can see for yourself here:
It really would be a lifechanging opportunity, so I implore anyone who reads this to go to the website, register, and then vote for Kristina. She’s in second place with only a few days to go, so all votes help at this stage.
Thanks! 🙂


September 19, 2009

Due to his constant listening, my boyfriend can now correctly mouth along with the Ricky, Steve and Karl podcasts.

I’m in love.